Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Short Echoes Prompt - 2 - "The Lexicographer's Dilemma"

Murray, Webster, Johnson. Dictionary makers, titans of language, princes of lexicography. You've got these guys to thank for every time you asked your mother what something meant, and she covered up the fact that she didn't know by telling you to "Look it up". You've also got them to thank for this month's Short Echoes Prompt.

We're asking you to spin a flash fiction tale around the prompt "The Lexicographers Dilemma." Any story under a thousand words about a guy (or gal) encountering difficulty while writing a dictionary is fair game, and the weirder the better.

What's in it for you beyond the pure and orgiastic joys of storytelling? First, we're offering to the writer of the best story a cash prize of ten whole American dollars. Second, we'll produce your story in audio format and feature it on the podcast.

If that sounds like something you'd like to be a part of then send your stories to The deadline for entry is March 15, 2013.