Thursday, December 27, 2012

HEP - 16 - We Did Nazi This Coming

The Human Echoes Podcast wraps up 2012 with a look at at Nazi zombie flick, Dead Snow. Then the guys talk about how you get what you don't pay for when it comes to anti-virus software, and Tony discusses rewriting his brain's software through the power of hobbits. (Or was it habit? No, I'm pretty sure it was hobbits. Apparently those guys can to pretty much anything if you can work them loose from their godless nihilism carefree pastoral lifestyle.)



Link Dump Waste Management Facility:

Dennis Mckenna on the Joe Rogan Podcast
McAfee founder on the run
Brotherhood of the Wolf
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg (Seriously, that's the guys name. Duhigg. Checked it twice. What the heck kind of name is Duhigg?)
World of Vacancy by Charles Schmidt

Next week we'll be taking a look at Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog. Don't miss it!