Thursday, September 27, 2012

HEP - 3 - No Sympathy for Cannibals

In the third episode of the Human Echoes Podcast, you will find our heads scraped to the scalp, and ready to talk about the South Korean thriller I Saw the Devil. Listen in as we detail the struggle between Secret Agent Man and Serial Killer Man.

Hear us well, as we wander between the vagaries of Facebook stalking by employers and bumper sticker philosophy.

Also, check out The Booth at The End on Mostly because it kicks ass, and a little bit because everything you read on this site is perceived to be true by the hosts.

Thanks for listening folks, and if you like the podcast, do us a big fat favor and throw a review at it on iTunes or any other podcast downloaded you have aligned yourself with. Hit us up with an email at, or tweet at us @hepodcast.

You can also sign up for the RSS Feed with this address:

Next week's movie will be: Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

HEP - 2 - Audio From Our Secret Moon Base

Time travel, men in sunglasses, low budgets, and a bizzare variant of other conversations are featured in our second podcast.

Listen as Albert and Tony tell you how to man up. On our love - hate relationship with Chuck Palahniuk. We even cover wobbly toilets in this podcast. Is it even possible that you could want more? Hit subscirbe, channel the ancient old gods of the RSS feed, or find us on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace, and well, here.

A few items of note:

We discussed a pair of movies that are available for free on YouTube.

12 Angry Men (1957)

Rope (1948)

The episode download link can be found here.

You can follow us on Twitter @tsouthcotte and @Albert_Berg, or you can subscribe to the podcast's twitter feed at @HEPodcast. Our blogs are also available to the right of this message on the sidebar. If you want to subscribe to this podcast, toss into the RSS reader of your choice.

If you have any questions or comments on The Human Echoes Podcast, feel free to drop us a line at We might even read it on the air.

The movie for next week will be I Saw The Devil, and it is available on Netflix and other fine disc rental emporiums.

This man is from the future. And the past. And the fucking moon. Vote Albert Berg 2012.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Human Echoes Podcast - 1 - It Starts With Donkeys

For a direct download, click here.

For iTunes, click here.

This podcast is here because text could no longer contain the thoughts of two young writers named Tony and Albert. You, and the rest of the world may not even know it yet, but you have been deprived of the dulcet tones of these handsome and charming examples of evolutionary perfection.

Listen, as we talk about donkeys in the most profane ways. Stand in awe as we make light of domestic abuse, Breaking Bad, and the smell of basset hounds. Commute with the knowledge that we are with you in your car, explaining how to fix the ills of the world.

Or, you know, just download it, rate it, review it.

For a free download of this weeks book, When Graveyards Yawn, by G. Wells Taylor, click here.

Keep up with us next week as we review and talk about the movie Lunapolis.